Texas Holdem Poker Online

Texas Holdem poker online is one of the most famous and popular forms of poker played throughout the world. With up to ten people playing at once, Texas Hold ‘Em Poker is an exciting variation of poker.

Players are dealt two cards each (called the hole cards), and five community cards are dealt by the dealer, with a round of betting preceding each new community card.

Players need to make the best five card hand out of the five community cards and two hole cards. Note that you do not have to use the two hole cards in your hand. You can use both, only one or none of them.

Texas Holdem poker online enjoyed a huge surge in popularity in the late 1970s and the early 1980s as a result of being used as the world championship form of poker. Such a huge leap in status was also accompanied by liberalisation of US gambling laws and these factors combined to lift Texas Hold ‘Em to the lofty status it enjoys today.

Texas Holdem poker online has a significant advantage in that it plays equally well with any form of betting from limit to no limit. You will enjoy the enthralling game play and the frequent strong hands that occur in Texas Hold ‘Em. Many of the top players consider Hold’em to be the most challenging and sublime of all the poker games.

How to Play Texas Holdem Poker

Posted under by on Sunday 27 June 2010 at 1:05 am